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[Télécharger] Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church de N. T. Wright,James Langton,HarperAudio Livre eBook France

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Télécharger "Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church" de N. T. Wright,James Langton,HarperAudio Francais PDF

Auteur : N. T. Wright,James Langton,HarperAudio
Catégorie : Livres anglais et étrangers,Religion & Spirituality,Christianity,Christian Living
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais

In this groundbreaking book - available in audio for the first time - renowned Bible scholar, Anglican bishop, and best-selling author N. T. Wright argues that Christians have not distorted the Bible's message about heaven and what happens after we die. For years, Christians have been asking, "If you died tonight, do you know where you would go?" It turns out that many believers have been giving the wrong answer. It is not heaven. Wright outlines the present confusion about a Christian's future hope and shows how it is deeply intertwined with how we live today. Wright asserts that Christianity's most distinctive idea is bodily resurrection, and provides a magisterial defense for a literal resurrection of Jesus. Wright then explores our expectation of "new heavens and a new earth", revealing what happens to the dead until then and what will happen with the "second coming" of Jesus. For many, including many Christians, it will come as a great surprise to learn that heaven comes to earth instead of us going to heaven. Wright convincingly argues that what we believe about life after death directly affects what we believe about life before death. For if God intends to renew the whole creation - and if this has already begun in Jesus's resurrection - the church cannot stop at "saving souls" but must anticipate the eventual renewal by working for God's kingdom in the wider world, bringing healing and hope in the present life.

Télécharger Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church de N. T. Wright,James Langton,HarperAudio Francais PDF

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Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection ~ In Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church, top-selling author and Anglican bishop, N.T. Wright tackles the biblical question of what happens after we die and shows how most Christians get it wrong.We do not “go to” heaven; we are resurrected and heaven comes down to earth--a difference that makes all of the difference to how

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Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection ~ NT Wright does it again, delivering a thoughtful and thorough treatment of heaven, hell, salvation, and the mission of the church. "Surprised by Hope" is a very important book, as it exposes some of evangelical Christianity's biggest misconceptions about some very important subjects. But Wright doesn't just make outlandish claims. His premises are backed up with solid exegesis and biblical .

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Nicholas Thomas Wright — Wikipédia ~ Nicholas Thomas Wright, né le 1 er décembre 1948 à Morpeth dans le Northumberland, est un prêtre anglican et un théologien du Nouveau Testament.. Il est doyen de la cathédrale de Lichfield de 1994 à 1999, puis évêque de Durham de 2003 à 2010. Il enseigne depuis à l'université de St Andrews. Principales publications. Wright est l'auteur de nombreux livres.

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