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[Télécharger] Home at Last: Freedom from Boarding School Pain de Mark Stibbe livre En ligne

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Télécharger "Home at Last: Freedom from Boarding School Pain" de Mark Stibbe Livres En Ligne

Auteur : Mark Stibbe
Catégorie : Livres anglais et étrangers,Religion & Spirituality,Christianity
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais

Sent away to boarding school on his eighth birthday, Mark Stibbe watched his adoptive parents drive down a gravel road, leaving him standing in front of a huge country house with his trunk and his teddy. That night, already confused and frightened, he was given the first of four beatings in his first two weeks. This trauma of abandonment and abuse was to scar Mark's life until his fifties, when divorce forced him to deal with he calls his 'boarded heart'. In this ground-breaking book, Mark argues that there are many thousands of wounded leaders just like him, men and women who suffer throughout their lives with homesick souls. This often leads to them being driven to succeed in their work while failing to engage emotionally at home. Coming Home at Last tells a poignant story and offers a unique model of healing. It provides psychological insights, yes, but it also delivers the blueprint for a spiritual homecoming. Arguing that boarding schools are orphanages for the privileged, Mark shows how we can only truly find healing in the perfect Father's love.

Télécharger Home at Last: Freedom from Boarding School Pain de Mark Stibbe Pdf Ebook

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