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[Télécharger] The Roman Ritual: Volume II: Christian Burial, Exorcisms, Reserved Blessings, Etc. de Rev Philip T Weller Livres Pdf Epub

Télécharger The Roman Ritual: Volume II: Christian Burial, Exorcisms, Reserved Blessings, Etc. de Rev Philip T Weller Pdf Ebook

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Télécharger "The Roman Ritual: Volume II: Christian Burial, Exorcisms, Reserved Blessings, Etc." de Rev Philip T Weller Livre PDF Gratuit

Auteur : Rev Philip T Weller
Catégorie : Livres anglais et étrangers,Religion & Spirituality,Christianity
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais

Pre-Vatican II traditional Roman Ritual in three volumes. This is Volume II: Christian Burial, Exorcisms, Reserved Blessings, Etc. Note that this version has a b&w interior. (For color interior, see ISBNs below.) Translated and edited with Introduction and Notes by Fr. Philip T. Weller. In parallel Latin and English, with rubrics and plainchant notation. All three volumes are indexed in both Latin and English.THE ROMAN RITUAL (RITUALE ROMANUM) 3 VOLUME SET, Year of Imprimatur: VOL 1 (1948), VOL 2 (1950), VOL 3 (1945). ISBNs: PAPERBACK, COLOR INTERIOR: Vol 1: Sacraments and Processions: 978-1-945275-14-2 Vol 2: Christian Burial, Exorcisms, Reserved Blessings, Etc.: 978-1-945275-15-9 Vol 3: The Blessings: 978-1-945275-16-6PAPERBACK, B&W INTERIOR (least expensive): Vol 1: Sacraments and Processions: 978-1-945275-17-3 Vol 2: Christian Burial, Exorcisms, Reserved Blessings, Etc.: 978-1-945275-18-0 Vol 3: The Blessings: 978-1-945275-19-7

Télécharger The Roman Ritual: Volume II: Christian Burial, Exorcisms, Reserved Blessings, Etc. de Rev Philip T Weller Francais PDF

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