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[Télécharger] The Problem of Christian Anti-Intellectualism: Why Christians Should Study Apologetics (English Edition) de Jefrey D. Breshears Livres Pdf Epub

Télécharger The Problem of Christian Anti-Intellectualism: Why Christians Should Study Apologetics (English Edition) de Jefrey D. Breshears Pdf Ebook

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Auteur : Jefrey D. Breshears
Catégorie : Boutique Kindle,Ebooks Kindle,Ebooks en langues étrangères
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais

We are often reminded that we live in a post-Christian culture, but most Christians fail to understand that we are losing the culture war in America because we have essentially forfeited the intellectual war. Ideas have consequences, and history has shown that what is intellectually respectable becomes, over time, socially acceptable and culturally normative. Many evangelical churches emphasize theology – i.e., those biblically-based doctrines that define the Christian faith. But few emphasize apologetics – i.e., why Christians should believe these things. In the vast majority of churches, neither adults nor young people are challenged to explore in any real depth the factual and rational bases for the Christian faith. This booklet is a challenge to Christians to tune in, turn on, and get involved in the great intellectual issues of our day. As such, it is essentially an apologia (a rational argument) for apologetics. The Christian faith is under constant attack in our society and culture, and Christians need to understand the rational and factual bases for what they believe in order to effectively explain it to sincere spiritual seekers and defend it against hostile critics. This book examines the problem of Christian anti-intellectualism, the underlying causes of anti-intellectualism, the consequences of anti-intellectualism, and the solution. The goal of the Christian life is not to be an intellectual but to be like Jesus. Spiritual maturity, not intellectual brilliance, is what ultimately matters. But in Jesus we find a man who was motivated not only by love and compassion but also by truth. As our ideal, we find in him someone who lived in perfect spiritual harmony with God the Father, and as our model, we find in him the perfect integration of passion, intellect and will. Anti-intellectualism is pervasive among Christians, and it is shameful. Of all people, Christians should be the most thoughtful, the most inquisitive, and the most creative as we strive to fulfill what Jesus said was the greatest of all commandments: to love and honor God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind.

Télécharger The Problem of Christian Anti-Intellectualism: Why Christians Should Study Apologetics (English Edition) de Jefrey D. Breshears Livres En Ligne

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