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[Télécharger] Praying the Promises of God for Daily Blessings and Breakthrough (English Edition) de Daniel C. Okpara Livre PDF Gratuit

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Auteur : Daniel C. Okpara
Catégorie : Boutique Kindle,Ebooks Kindle,Ebooks en langues étrangères
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais

Learn How to Pray God's Word Back to Him and See the Devil FleeThe Word of God is the most potent force of our spiritual warfare. It doesn't matter how fierce the battle we find ourselves are, the WORD of God will always work.Jesus gave us a template for dealing with the devil from His encounter with satan on the mount. Three times he said, "It is written.""It is written," that is, declaring the word of God in the face of the situation and circumstance remain the smartest thing for us to do to win the battles we face every day.As you learn to stand on what God has said about your life, marriage, career, family and continue to pray and declare the scriptures, at first, it might look like you're deceving yourself. But in reality, you are winning the battle.This book will guide you to simple and easy steps to pray the scriptures and manifest the victory and blessings and God for your life.

Télécharger Praying the Promises of God for Daily Blessings and Breakthrough (English Edition) de Daniel C. Okpara livre En ligne

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Praying God's Promises: The Why and How Behind the Practice ~ We need to search the Scriptures, find promises that relate to our situation, and start praying them, trusting God to bring them to pass in our lives. We need to learn how to pray God’s promises. In order to see the fulfillment of God’s promises, we need to first believe that these promises are specifically for us. God wants to fulfill his promises for our lives. But that doesn’t mean we .

6 Prayers For God’s Blessings / Prayer of Blessing - Beliefnet ~ As Christians, we want to live blessed lives. We also want to experience the promises and blessings of God. When you’re dealing with any sort of hardship, it’s important thing to remember is .

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Alignment with God’s Promises Brings God’s Blessings ~ Alignment with God’s Promises Brings God’s Blessings. God has promised us so many blessings in His word. Many of these are conditional – that is, they require something of us in order for God’s full blessing to be released. Some of the most familiar are the “be-attitudes”: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see .

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