[Télécharger] Pope Francis: A Biography of the Inspirational Leader (English Edition) de Benjamin Southerland Pdf Epub
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Télécharger "Pope Francis: A Biography of the Inspirational Leader (English Edition)" de Benjamin Southerland Pdf Epub
Auteur : Benjamin Southerland
Catégorie : Ebooks Kindle,Ebooks en langues étrangères,Par langue
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais
Learn about the inspirational story of Pope FrancisIn Pope Francis: A Biography of the Inspirational Leader you will learn about the life, accomplishments, and beliefs of Pope Francis. Pope Francis was elected as the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic Church. He was anointed as the head of the Vatican during a time when the church was facing threats of child abuse scandals, corruption of the Vatican Curia, and money laundering in the Vatican fiscal accounts, to name a few. Pope Francis has taken the job of decentralizing the power down to the grassroots of Catholicism with great zest. He also is hailed as the messiah of the poor on account of his daunting services in the slums of Buenos Aires. His humble lifestyle is an example for many who have lost their morals to wealth and greed. Service and humility are Pope Francis’s prime doctrines. Read this biography to learn about Pope Francis’s extraordinary life story and his plans for the church.Here is a preview of this biography:The Life and Times of Pope FrancisPadre Bergoglio and the Argentine Civil WarThe Slum Bishop, Papa VilleroThe Pope and WomenEcumenical Efforts by Pope FrancisPope Francis and Reforms in the Roman Catholic ChurchHere is an excerpt from the book:Father Bergoglio used to travel in the buses and underground railways and was a regular tea drinker with the families living in the slums of Buenos Aires. He was a man who was closer to miseries of the poor than to the grandeur of churches. Even today after becoming the highest moral authority of billions of Catholics, he has made it a point to keep visiting the strife-affected slums of Latin American nations. Many would like to call him a socialist pope, as well, because of his laborious services in the villas miserias of Buenos Aires during his days as a bishop of the church. He had even come to be called Papa Villero, meaning “father of the slums,” in Argentina. His policies and rehabilitation programs had played a decisive role in countering the crisis created by rampant paco addiction. The people of the slums, who were as if invisible, had been left to completely fend for themselves by the economy as well as the government. It was Padre Bergoglio’s initiatives that helped the poor secure a voice of their own. Today Pope Francis is seen as the savior of the poor across the world.
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