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[Télécharger] A Future That's Bigger Than The Past (English Edition) de Samuel Wells Francais PDF

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Auteur : Samuel Wells
Catégorie : Boutique Kindle,Ebooks Kindle,Ebooks en langues étrangères
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais

A Future that’s Bigger than the Past sets out a vision for renewing the local church that is energising, realistic and practical for small and large congregations alike.In response to prevailing narratives of decline, it reimagines how the church can live its vocation of receiving the abundance God gives us, and sharing that abundance far and wide. It recognises the surprising, exuberant and plentiful things that the Holy Spirit is doing in the world and calls the church to celebrate creation, enjoy culture and share in their flourishing.With a rich theological foundation and borne out in the practical experience of a growing number of local church communities, this groundbreaking book will enable churches to discover fresh ways in which they can become a blessing to the communities they serve.

Télécharger A Future That's Bigger Than The Past (English Edition) de Samuel Wells En Ligne

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